Rui Chen

I am a second-year master's student, starting in 2022, at South China University of Technology under the guidance of Prof. Kui Jia. I am currently interning in Tencent AI Lab. My research focuses on the combination of computer graphics and computer vision, specifically in the realm of creating high-quality 3D assets using generative models and physically-based rendering techniques. My email is

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Taming Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Character Control
Rui Chen*, Mingyi Shi*, Shaoli Huang, Ping Tan, Taku Komura, Xuelin Chen
SIGGRAPH 2024 | Paper | Project Page | Code | Video
Get featured in the SIGGRAPH 2024 Technical Papers Video Trailer!

SweetDreamer: Aligning Geometric Priors in 2D Diffusion for Consistent Text-to-3D
Weiyu Li, Rui Chen, Xuelin Chen, Ping Tan
ICLR 2024 | Paper | Project Page | Code | Video

Fantasia3D: Disentangling Geometry and Appearance for High-quality Text-to-3D Content Creation
Rui Chen*, Yongwei Chen*, Ningxin Jiao, Kui Jia
ICCV 2023 | Paper | Project Page | Code | Video

TANGO: Text-driven Photorealistic and Robust 3D Stylization via Lighting Decomposition
Yongwei Chen, Rui Chen, Jiabao Lei, Yabin Zhang, Kui Jia
NeurIPS 2022 (spotlight) | Paper | Project Page | Code